I keep learning things, slowly about myself, about others and about the world at large. I have an interest in the microscopic and the macroscopic and their relationship to each other and try to convey that in my lyrics. I like to work in different musical mediums, adapting myself to systems that I am a stranger in. I feel like there is an invisible thread guiding me along a path to an unknown destination and along the way I have met interesting and enlightening people who have informed my way of thinking. The duality of mankind and its relationship to its environment comes across in a lot of my words. Ultimately I am a confused being, just being and seeing what I can do. I think like most people, I am seeking community and just trying to understand and be understood.
Conor studied contemporary songwriting at the BIMM school of music in Dublin Ireland. He has been writing and playing music for most of his adult life. He now resides in Graz Austria bringing vocals, guitar and keyboard skills to creative projects. His inspirations are wide and conflicting, ranging from the lyrical stylings of Leonard Cohen, the concordant sounds of Mogwai and the curious creations of artists like Daniel Johnston.